Stainless steel, acid-resistant steel and heat-resistant steel

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Other products / Round and ribbed bars

Other Products / Smooth and Ribbed Bars

Smooth and ribbed bars are metallurgical products produced in mills known as rolling mills. These mills release various types of rolled bars - round bars, flat bars (also known as flat stocks), and square bars. Additionally, semi-finished products called 'billets' are produced, which are later processed in die forges or used for free forging.

Due to the versatile use of bars across many industries and sectors, there are numerous types of bars available. The possibilities afforded by today's technological advancements have created diverse markets for bars. They are used not only in heavy industry and construction but also in the automotive sector and even in furniture design.

One of the types available at the online store is ribbed bars.

These bars allow for the connection of many cohesive elements. They are used to create durable suspensions, which find applications, for example, in hydraulics. They are also used in ventilation structures.

Ribbed bars are essential for constructing frames and trusses and are used for reinforcements in construction sectors. Concrete is typically supported and set on bars (including ribbed bars), enabling the construction of reinforcements under floors, structural beams, and ceilings.

When describing ribbed bars, it is important to specify the steel class, the grade of steel (material of ribbed bars), and the diameter or cross-sectional dimensions of the ribbed bar.

The situation is similar for smooth bars. Smooth bars also belong to the stainless group. Smooth bars find their applications in many industrial fields.

Below, we list the classifications of smooth and ribbed bars.

Smooth bars are classified as class A-0 and A-I.

Ribbed bars are classified as class A-II, A-III, and A-IIIN:

  • Class A-II steel - bars have two longitudinal ribs formed on the surface, running parallel to the length. Between these ribs, there are cross ribs running diagonally along the line,
  • Class A-III steel - similar to A-II bars, these products have longitudinal ribs and also cross ribs, arranged in a so-called "herringbone" pattern and inclined to the longitudinal ribs at an angle of about 60° from one side of the bar,
  • Class A-IIIN steel - the ribbing is similar to that of A-III bars, but additionally, they have rolled sections of longitudinal ribs between the cross ribs.

For ribbed bars, the diameter is averaged, which means it is derived from the amount of material rather than a specific dimension of the bar.

The product requires individual pricing.

To obtain quick calculation, please send an enquiry using the contact form.


 Steel grades:



Stainless steel/Acid-proof stainless steel/Heat resistant stainless steel
EN steel number Grade DIN AISI / SAE / ASTM
1.4000 0H13 X6Cr13 403/410S
1.4002 0H13J X6CrAl13 405
1.4005 1H13 X12CrS13 416
1.4006 1H13 X12Cr13 410
1.4016 H17 X6Cr17 430
1.4021 2H13 X20Cr13 420
1.4028 3H13 X30Cr13 -
1.4034 4H13 X46Cr13 -
1.4057 2H17N2 X17CrNi16-2 431
1.4104 - X14CrMoS17 430F
1.4112 - X90CrMoV18 440B
1.4122 3H17M X39CrMo17-1 -
1.4125 H18 X105CrMo17 440C
1.4301 0H18N9 X5CrNi18-10 304
1.4305 - X10CrNiS18-9 303
1.4306 00H18N10 X2CrNi19-11 304L
1.4310 1H18N9 X12CrNi18-8 301
1.4313 - X3CrNiMo13-4 A182(F6NM)
1.4401 0H17N12M2T X5CrNiMo17-12-2 316
1.4404 00H17N14M2 X2CrNiMo17-13-2 316L
1.4435 00H17N14M2 X2CrNiMo18-14-3 316L
1.4436 00H17N14M2 X5CrNiMo17-13-3 316
1.4438 00H17N14M2 X2CrNiMo18-15-4 317L
1.4439 - X2CrNiMoN17-13-5 316LMN
1.4460 DUPLEX X3CrNiMoN27-5-2 329
1.4462 00H22N24M4TCu X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 S31803/A182(F51)
1.4510 0H17T X6CrTi17 430Ti/439
1.4539 0H22N24M4TCu X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5 NO8904
1.4541 1H18N9T X6CrNiTi18-10 321
1.4550 0H18N12Nb X6CrNiNb18-10 347
1.4571 H17N13M2T X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 316Ti
1.4712 H6S2 X10CrSi6 -
1.4713 H6S2 X10CrAlSi7 -
1.4718 H9S2 X45CrSi9-3 HNV3
1.4724 H13JS X10CrAl13 -
1.4731 H10S2M X40CrSiMo10-2 -
1.4742 H18JS X10CrAl18 -
1.4749 - X18CrN28 -
1.4762 H24JS X10CrAl24 446
1.4821 H26N4 X15CrNiSi25-4 -
1.4828 H20N12S2 X15CrNiSi20-12 309
1.4833 H23N13 X12CrNi23-12 -
1.4841 H25N20S2 X15CrNiSi25-20 310
1.4843 H23N18 - -
1.4845 H25N21 X12CrNiSi25-21 310S
1.4864 H16N36S2 X12NiCrSi36-16 330
1.4876 - X10NiCrAlTi32-21 -
1.4878 - X10CrNiTi18-10 321
Alloy structural steel
EN steel number Grade DIN AISI / SAE / ASTM
1.0467 15G 15Mn3 -
1.0482 19G2 19Mn5 -
1.0642 60G 60Mn3/C61 -
1.0903 50S2 - -
1.0904 55S2 55Si7 -
1.1170 30G2 28Mn6 -
1.4923 20H12MIF X20CrMoV12-1 -
1.5122 35SG 37MnSi5 -
1.5415 16M 16Mo3 -
1.5752 12HN3A 15NiCr13 -
1.5919 15HN 15CrNi6 3115
1.5920 18H2N2 18CrNi8 -
1.6511 36HNM 36CrNiMo4 4340/9840
1.6523 20HNMA 21NiCrMo2 8620
1.6546 37HGNM 40NiCrMo2-2 8740
1.6580 30H2N2A 30CrNiMo8 -
1.6582 34HNM 34CrNiMo6 4337
1.6587 17HGM 17CrNiMo6 -
1.6623 20HNM 21NiCrMo2 8620
1.7015 15H 15Cr3 -
1.7030 30H 28Cr4 5130
1.7033 - 34Cr4 -
1.7034 38HA 37Cr4 5135
1.7035 40H 41Cr4 5140
1.7131 16HG 16MnCr5 5115
1.7147 20HG 20MnCr5 5120
1.7218 25HM 25CrMo4 4130
1.7220 35HM 34CrMo4 4135
1.7225 40HM 42CrMo4 4140
1.7228 50H 50CrMo4 -
1.7262 18HGM 18CrMo4 -
1.7335 15HM 13CrMo4-4 A182/F11
1.7362 H5M 12CrMo19-5 -
1.7380 10H2M 10CrMo9-10 A182/F22
1.7707 30H2MF 30CrMoV9 -
1.7715 13HMF 14MoV6-3 -
1.8070 21HMF 21CrMoV5-11 -
1.8159 50HF 51CrV4 6150
1.8509 38HMJ 41CrAlMo7 -
1.8550 33H2NMJ 34CrAlNi7 -
Carbon structural steel
EN steel number Grade DIN AISI / SAE / ASTM
1.0035 St0S St33 A570
1.0037 St3S St37-2/S235JR A573
1.0038 St3S RSt37-2/S235JR -
1.0050 St5/Mst5 St50-2/E295 A572
1.0060 St6/Mst6 St60-2/E335 A572
1.0070 St7/Mst7 St70-2/E360 -
1.0116 St3W St37-3/S235J2G3 A573
1.0144 St4SW St44-3/S275J2G3 A573
1.0179 St4SV St44-2Cu3/S275JRCu A570
1.0301 10 C10 1010
1.0401 15 C15 1015
1.0402 20 C22 1020
1.0406 25 C25 1025
1.0501 35 C35 1035
1.0503 45 C45 1045
1.0511 40 C40 1040
1.0528 30 C30 -
1.0535 55 C55 1055
1.0562 18G2A StE355/P355N A588
1.0565 18G2A WStE355/P35NH -
1.0566 18G2A TStE355/P355NL1 -
1.0570 18G2AA St52-3/S355J2G3 -
1.0601 60 C60 1060
1.0603 65 C67 1065
1.1141 15 Ck15 -
1.1151 - Ck22 -
1.1186 40 Ck40 -
1.1191 45 Ck45 -
1.8905 18G2AV StE460/P460N2 -
Tool steel
EN steel number Grade DIN AISI / SAE / ASTM
1.0035 St0S St33 A570
1.0037 St3S St37-2/S235JR A573
1.0038 St3S RSt37-2/S235JR -
1.0050 St5/Mst5 St50-2/E295 A572
1.0060 St6/Mst6 St60-2/E335 A572
1.0070 St7/Mst7 St70-2/E360 -
1.0116 St3W St37-3/S235J2G3 A573
1.0144 St4SW St44-3/S275J2G3 A573
1.0179 St4SV St44-2Cu3/S275JRCu A570
1.0301 10 C10 1010
1.0401 15 C15 1015
1.0402 20 C22 1020
1.0406 25 C25 1025
1.0501 35 C35 1035
1.0503 45 C45 1045
1.0511 40 C40 1040
1.0528 30 C30 -
1.0535 55 C55 1055
1.0562 18G2A StE355/P355N A588
1.0565 18G2A WStE355/P35NH -
1.0566 18G2A TStE355/P355NL1 -
1.0570 18G2AA St52-3/S355J2G3 -
1.0601 60 C60 1060
1.0603 65 C67 1065
1.1141 15 Ck15 -
1.1151 - Ck22 -
1.1186 40 Ck40 -
1.1191 45 Ck45 -
1.8905 18G2AV StE460/P460N2 -
1.2344 WCLV H13/X40CrMoV5-1
1.2344 - H13/X40CrMoV5-1
1.2358 - -
1.2363 NCLV A2/X100CrMoV5-1
1.2379 NC11LV D2/X155CrVMo12-1
1.2436 NC11 X210CrW12
1.2510 NMWV 100MnCrW4
1.2631 - -
1.2714 WNL1 56NiCrMoV7
1.3344 - M3/S6-5-3
Special materials
EN steel number Grade ASTM
1.4562 Alloy31 B564
1.4864 AlloyDS B511
1.4876 Alloy800 B564
1.4958 Alloy800H B564
1.4959 Alloy800HT B564
2.0830 CuNi25 -
2.0862 CuNi5Fe B111
2.0872 CuNi10Fe1Mn B122, B171
2.0882 CuNi30Fe1Mn B122, B171
2.4066 Alloy200 B564
2.4068 Alloy201 B160
2.4360 Alloy400 B564
2.4375 AlloyK500 -
2.4600 AlloyB3 B564
2.4602 AlloyC22 B564
2.4605 Alloy59 B564
2.4610 AlloyC4 B564
2.4617 AlloyB2 B335
2.4642 Alloy690 B166
2.4650 AlloyC263 -
2.4660 Alloy20 B462
2.4663 Alloy617 B564
2.4668 Alloy718 B637
2.4669 AlloyX750 B637
2.4816 Alloy600 B564
2.4819 AlloyC-276 B564
2.4851 Alloy601 B166
2.4856 Alloy625 B564
2.4858 Alloy825 B564
2.4951 Alloy75 -
2.4952 Alloy80A B637
2.4969 Alloy90 -
Titanium alloys
EN steel number DIN EN steel number DIN
1.0037 St37-2G 1.0506 WStE315
1.0038 RSt.37-2 1.0508 TStE315
1.0050 St50-2 1.0535 C55
1.0060 St60-2G 1.0562 StE355
1.0116 St37-3G 1.0565 WStE355
1.0301 C10 1.0566 TStE355
1.0401 C15 1.0566 P355NL1
1.0402 C22 1.0570 St52-3
1.0425 P265GH 1.0601 C60
1.0432 C21 1.1101 TTST35
1.0437 P310NB 1.1133 20Mn5
1.0460 C22G2 1.1141 Ck15
1.0481 P295GH 1.1151 Ck22
1.0482 19Mn5 1.1173 30Mn5
1.0486 StE285 1.1181 Ck35
1.0487 WStE285 1.1191 Ck45
1.0488 TStE285 1.1193 Cf45
1.0501 C35 1.1213 Cf53
1.0503 C45 1.1221 Ck60
1.0505 StE315
Werkstoff-Nummer Gatunek ASTM
3.7024 Titan Grade 1 B381
3.7035 Titan Grade 2 B381
3.7105 Titan Grade 12 B381
3.7164 Titan Grade 5 (LF) -
3.7165 Titan Grade 5 B381
3.7235 Titan Grade 7 B381
Tool steel
EN steel number DIN EN steel number DIN
1.2063 145Cr6 1.2436 X210CrW12
1.2067 102Cr6 1.2510 100MnCrW4
1.2080 X210Cr12 1.2550 60WCrV7
1.2162 21MnCr5 1.2601 X165CrMoV12
1.2312 40CrMnMoS8-6 1.2713 55NiCrMoV6
1.2316 X36CrMo17 1.2714 56NiCrMoV7
1.2343 X38CrMoV51 1.2718 55NiCr10
1.2344 X40CrMoV5-1 1.2735 15NiCr14
1.2363 X100CrMoV5-1 1.2764 X19NiCrMo4
1.2365 X32CrMoV3 3 1.2767 X45NiCrMo4
1.2367 X38CrMoV5-3 1.2826 60MnSiCr4
1.2379 X155CrMoV12-1 1.2842 90MnCrV8
1.2419 105WCr6
Spring steel
EN steel number DIN Polish Norm  
1.8159 51CrV4 50HF



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